In various fields of microalgae research and application, the technology of long-term preservation of microalgae cells is crucial. Traditional microalgae preservation methods face multiple challenges, including decreased genetic stability, increased costs, and increased pollution risks. To address these issues, protoga has developed a vitrification cryopreservation technique suitable for various microalgae. The formulation of the cryopreservation solution is crucial for maintaining the vitality and genetic stability of microalgae cells.


At present, although successful applications have been made on Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, the physiological and cellular structural differences between different microalgae species mean that each microalgae may require specific cryoprotectant formulations. Compared with the cryopreservation solutions used in other microbial and animal cell cryopreservation techniques, the cryopreservation solution for microalgae needs to consider the cell wall structure, frost resistance, and specific toxic reactions of protectants to microalgae cells of different algal species.


The vitrification cryopreservation technology of microalgae utilizes specially designed cryopreservation solutions to store cells at extremely low temperatures, such as liquid nitrogen or -80 ° C, after a programmed cooling process. Ice crystals usually form inside cells during cooling, causing damage to cell structure and loss of cell function, leading to cell death. In order to develop microalgae cryopreservation solutions, protoga conducted in-depth research on the cellular characteristics of microalgae, including their reactions to different protectants and how to most effectively reduce damage caused by freezing and osmotic pressure. This includes continuous adjustments to the type, concentration, addition sequence, pre cooling, and recovery processes of protective agents in the cryopreservation solution, resulting in the development of a broad-spectrum microalgae cryopreservation solution called Froznthrive ™ And the supporting vitrification freezing technology.

Post time: Jul-19-2024