Currently, one-third of the world’s marine fishing grounds are overfished, and the remaining marine fishing grounds have reached full capacity for fishing. The rapid growth of population, climate change, and environmental pollution have brought enormous pressure to wild fisheries. Sustainable production and stable supply of microalgae plant alternatives have become the preferred choice for brands seeking sustainability and cleanliness. Omega-3 fatty acids are one of the most recognized nutrients, and their benefits for cardiovascular, brain development, and visual health have been widely studied. But most consumers worldwide do not meet the recommended daily intake of Omega-3 fatty acids (500mg/day).

With the increasing demand for Omega-3 fatty acids, the Omega series algal oil DHA from Yuanyu Biology not only meets the daily nutritional needs of the human body, but also addresses the contradiction between the growing health needs of humans and the scarcity of Earth’s resources through sustainable production methods.

Post time: May-23-2024